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Our customized fulfillment logistics allow you the complete outsourcing of your product management. It is our goal as a logistics service provider to combine all related logistics functions along the supply chain of our customers in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

For this reason, Honexpress Contract Logistics includes all logistics services such as transport/freight forwarding, transshipment and storage, as well as targeted IT support, quality assurance, consulting and project planning right up to our numerous industry-specific value-added services.

You tell us what you need - our experts create a customized, powerful and efficient outsourcing solution for the specific requirements of your supply chain logistics. Systematic market- and customer-oriented coordination of all logistics functions reduces the procurement and delivery times and thereby the inventory and expenses of our customers. This is how Honexpress Contract Logistics creates a classic win-win situation: You are able to concentrate on your core business: developing new markets and revenue potentials. We manage the corresponding logistics processes in the background.

Standards are our strength. Customization is our specialty.

The close connection of a transport and warehouse network is our trademark. Contract logistics with network affinity are the success factor for trusting and long-term relationships and, through standardized processes, enable us to serve you with the same high level of quality anywhere. The benefits of network-based warehousing:

  • Centralized development and support of systems
  • A large scope of standards
  • Globally available functions
  • Homogenous reliability of operations
  • Nationwide availability and exchange of experience and resources
  • High quality through central monitoring/management